What Kind of Learner are You? 

What Kind of Learner are You? 

It’s my buddy while doing mindless tasks, such as sorting laundry. It’s my companion while I’m getting ready in the morning. It’s my quick download of energy and wisdom as I’m going on my morning walk . . . Basically, it’s in my ears whenever other humans aren’t present. It’s wise podcasts. 

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Encourage Your Spouse in This Practical Way
Marriage, Practical, Encouragement Laura Dugger Marriage, Practical, Encouragement Laura Dugger

Encourage Your Spouse in This Practical Way

God uses people and endless means to offer encouragement, but in my life, the most meaningful type comes from my husband. At the end of the day when I am discouraged in parenting or disappointed I didn’t complete my to-do list (again), he is quick to reframe the situation, offer a more positive perspective, and a timely word that builds me up.

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