Our Love Story, Part Two
Love, Courtship, Dating Guest User Love, Courtship, Dating Guest User

Our Love Story, Part Two

Mark and I were speedy to get our small groups together. I cherish our pictures of group hang outs: bonfires, Georgia Tech football games, dinners out at Atlanta restaurants, sand volleyball games, chats in his living room, and cooking dinners and desserts together. Good, wholesome fun!

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Our Love Story, Part One
Love, Courtship, Dating Guest User Love, Courtship, Dating Guest User

Our Love Story, Part One

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 (NIV)

“That looks like a candy necklace,” an enthusiastic greeter at church remarked as I approached the sanctuary. Parker was an outgoing volunteer, doing his job well by welcoming each individual...

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