Our Love Story, Part One

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 (NIV)

“That looks like a candy necklace,” an enthusiastic greeter at church remarked as I approached the sanctuary. Parker was an outgoing volunteer, doing his job well by welcoming each individual as they entered the mid-week worship service at church. 

“What’s your name? I’m Parker. I’m inviting people over to our apartment Thursday night. Do you want to come?” Parker wasn’t just inviting me. He was inviting every person he connected with that evening. 

Parker had no idea I was new to faith, new to this church, and a first-time attender of the midweek worship service. My roommate planned to join me for our first visit, but she was ill and I was new to Atlanta, so I went alone. I was eager to build community so I took Parker up on his invitation. My sweet roommate was still sick on Thursday night, so again, I went alone. 

Throughout the evening, the door repeatedly opened with new people stopping over and walking inside this cozy apartment. Apparently this was a regular routine and everyone was welcome. There was something special about the living room. It was filled with couches along every wall. Parker and his roommate had a gift for hospitality and they arranged their apartment to gather peers together in Atlanta most nights of the week.

I had been a Christ-follower for two months, but the majority of my community was female friends who attended graduate school with me. This was my first group of Christian friends that included multiple males. They were unlike the guys I partied with in college. These men were serious about their faith, they exhibited the fruit of the Spirit, and they were safe and fun to be around! 

I was single and shortly after I surrendered my life to the Lord, I asked Him to teach me how to fall in love with Jesus first before I fell in love with the man I would marry. I wanted to expand my circle of friends, enjoy this season, and I was not interested in dating. I prayed and asked God for the next guy I kissed to be the man I would marry. 

Being in no rush to marry, it felt wholesome to spend time with these fellow male and female believers and begin a friendship with everyone in attendance that evening. There was a spirit of friendliness in the room and I thanked God for introducing me to this special group. 

I was sitting on a blue couch next to the front door when it opened again and yet another person walked inside. He was tall with dark, wavy hair and friendly, green eyes. He was wearing gray business pants and a yellow button down shirt, carrying a suitcase, and smiling as he walked through the door. I am not detail-oriented, yet God has preserved this memory clearly in my mind . . . I even remember the thought as I saw him for the first time, “Wow. I didn’t know they made them like that anymore.”  (Ha! So cheesy!) He was very good looking and cheerful, but the thought didn’t go any further because I was not interested in a romantic relationship. I was simply focused on forging friendships. 

The businessman turned out to be Mark Dugger, Parker’s roommate. He was a business consultant with IBM and he traveled Monday through Thursday to visit clients. As his job required 100% travel, he eagerly awaited Thursday evenings when he consistently came home to an apartment full of people after multiple days on the road. 

Unlike me, Mark is detail-oriented and he noticed that I was the new girl. He is playful and conversational by nature and he approached me and asked, “What’s your story?” I quickly scanned my mind, wondering what story he wanted me to share? I assessed: this is a room full of Christians and I am new to faith . . . he must mean what’s my testimony? So, naive as I was, I launched into my story of how God had recently rescued me and I became a Christian. 

He had actually asked the question to learn how I ended up in his apartment as the only new person that night, so he was not expecting this level of response! But because he is also very kind-hearted, he graciously shared his testimony with me too. He was the leader of a men’s Bible study group and I was a part of a women’s Bible study group, so he recommended getting our groups together. He got my number so we could coordinate the details 🙂 

There were so many gifts as I reflect back on this night: The gift of new friends, the gift of sharing our stories, and the unopened gift of what was yet to come . . . which is where I’ll pick up next time. Until then, I hope you remember with me:

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 (NIV)

Much Love,


About The Savvy Sauce

Practical chats for intentional living

A faith-based podcast and resources to help you grow closer to Jesus and others. Expect encouragement, surprises, and hope here. Each episode offers lively interviews with fascinating guests such as therapists, authors, non-profit founders, and business leaders. 

They share their best practices and savvy tips we can replicate to make our daily life and relationships more enjoyable!

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