What Kind of Learner are You? 

It’s my buddy while doing mindless tasks, such as sorting laundry. It’s my companion while I’m getting ready in the morning. It’s my quick download of energy and wisdom as I’m going on my morning walk . . . Basically, it’s in my ears whenever other humans aren’t present. It’s wise podcasts. 

Proverbs 4:7, NKJV “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”

The Bible is obviously the best source of wisdom but there are countless other ways to grow in wisdom . . . and the Bible certainly affirms our efforts to grow in wisdom!

I am an auditory learner so I enjoy processing information I take in with my ears. Therefore, audiobooks and podcasts are some of my favorite ways to learn and acquire wisdom. However, since launching The Savvy Sauce podcast, I’ve heard from various people who say they would love to listen more, but they prefer reading to acquire wisdom, rather than listening. Which do you prefer?

Either way, now we have something for both types of people: We are working our way through adding transcripts to every podcast ever recorded for The Savvy Sauce. Have you checked out our new website? In addition to articles like this one, we now have a show notes page for each episode and we are working to add transcripts for each one. This means you can read with your eyes all the words that were recorded or you can continue to listen with your ears . . . AND soon we will be adding a YouTube channel so that you can also watch these conversations transpire. 

To get you started, here is a list of great episodes under various categories where you can begin reading transcripts or sharing with loved ones. Just choose the category you are most interested and give the episode a try, in whatever form you prefer:


107 Communication and Healthy Conflict Resolution with Kelley Gray


81 Rest with Doctor, Author, and Speaker, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

Sexual Intimacy:

4 ​​Fostering a Fun, Healthy Sex Life with your Spouse with Dr. Jennifer Konzen 

Stories & Testimonies:

237 Stories Series: Prodigal and Redemption with Renée Endress

***Have you listened to our 2024 Stories Series?! It’s one of my favorite things we’ve ever done at The Savvy Sauce and it went for an entire year, so you have plenty of content to enjoy!

Schooling Options:

212 School Series: Benefits of Homeschooling with Jodi Mockabee

Reading Aloud:

21 Promoting a Family Culture of Reading with Megan Kaeb

Loss & Grief:

62 Unexpected Grief and What Helped Me Through It Can Help You Too with Singer and Blogger, Brittany Price Brooker


130 Parenting 0-18 with Daniel Huerta 


72 Understanding Temperaments to Improve Your Relationships Part 1 with Author and Communication Coach, Kathleen Edelman

In-Law Relationships:

2 A God-Honoring Relationship Between a Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law with Annie Chapman 


82 Traveling with Your Family with Katie Mueller


169 Unlocking Meaning and Purpose in Your Life and Overcoming Burnout with Dale Wilsher


167 Pursuing Health in Four Key Areas with Debra Fileta

Financial Wisdom:

10 How to Align Your Finances with Your Values with Natalie Taylor


228 Stewarding Technology for More Intentional Relationships  with Joey Odom

Business & Leadership:

37 Being Intentional with Marriage, Parenting, Rest, Personal development, and Leadership with Pastor, Podcaster, and Author, Jeff Henderson


178 Fresh Take on Hospitality with Jaime Farrell

House & Home:

47 Relationships and Opportunities that Arise from Using Your Gifts with Founder of Neighbor’s Table, Sarah Harmeyer


225 Friendship is Essential as a Christ-Follower with Justin Whitmel Earley

Foster Care & Adoption:

28 Serving the Foster Community with The Forgotten Initiative Founder, Jami Kaeb

Art with Kids:

202 Simple Ways to Connect with Our Kids And Enjoy Breaks with Beth Rosenbleeth (Days with Grey)

Spiritual Growth:

150 Brain Science and Spiritual Abundance with Ken Baugh

Human Trafficking Awareness:

229 Escape from Modern Day Sex Slavery with Rachel Timothy

Personal Development:

57 Implementing Bite-Size Habits That Will Change Your Life with Author, Blogger, Podcaster, and Speaker, Kat Lee

I hope you start off this year pursuing wisdom. I’m thrilled to be on the journey with you!

Happy New Year to you!



Helpful Resources for Christians

About The Savvy Sauce

Practical chats for intentional living

A faith-based podcast and resources to help you grow closer to Jesus and others. Expect encouragement, surprises, and hope here. Each episode offers lively interviews with fascinating guests such as therapists, authors, non-profit founders, and business leaders. 

They share their best practices and savvy tips we can replicate to make our daily life and relationships more enjoyable!

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