What Kind of Learner are You?
It’s my buddy while doing mindless tasks, such as sorting laundry. It’s my companion while I’m getting ready in the morning. It’s my quick download of energy and wisdom as I’m going on my morning walk . . . Basically, it’s in my ears whenever other humans aren’t present. It’s wise podcasts.
Practical Ways to Rekindle Love in Marriage
How did you meet and fall in love with your spouse?
What feelings were you experiencing at that point in your story? What were your expectations for your future together?
Gratitude in Parenting
I was driving with my girls the other day and I didn’t even realize the negative thoughts taking up space in my brain. It had been a challenging parenting morning and I was feeling defeated.
15 Questions to Ask on Your Next Date Night
Date night is one of the highlights in my life. It seems luxurious, pours into my most important earthly relationship, feels like a vacation, and proves to be extremely profitable!
If you are reading this right now, I assume you value date night too!