Recipe for a Peaceful Holiday Season
You know one recipe that increases the likelihood of enjoyment for all in the holiday season?
Forethought + Surrender = Peace!
My favorite practical tip for savoring the holidays is begin preparing WAAAAAY earlier than you think is necessary!
Questions as Catalysts for Transformation
I don’t have much to say today, but I do have some questions I want to share with you! I love sharing questions because I believe they can be the catalyst for transformation.
Mark asked me a question that changed our life: Will you marry me?
Ten Questions to Help You Prepare for Summer with Your Family
I desire to make the very most of my time on earth, and I’m assuming you do too! So how can we be prepared to seize every good and exciting opportunity this summer with our family?
Practical Parenting Check-In
The grandparents offered to keep our daughters this morning and I was so excited for a rare brunch date with a dear friend! I just received the dreaded text: Her daughter woke up with a fever and she had to cancel our time together.
How Can I Enjoy My Kids More? *Bonus: Questions to Ask Your Kids!
Last week, we discovered one solution may solve two questions: How Can I Know My Children Better? How Can I Enjoy My Children More?
An answer to both is one-on-one time with our kids!
How Can I Know My Children Better?
How can I enjoy my kids more?
I think one response answers both of those questions simultaneously! I will share it with you soon. . .