Gifts for Children’s Easter Baskets

If you read Ten Date Night Questions on April 1st, you already know Mark and I are trying something new this year. We are coming to date night prepared with one question each. On date night this week, he asked, “What has been your favorite moment of parenting?” and he followed it up with “And, if possible, what can we do to replicate it?”

Such great questions!

As I reflected back, the most powerful memories that came to mind are related to spiritual topics. For instance, I remember being concerned about our four-year old at the time, who always requested “the whipping one” when we would let her watch a Jesus movie. I asked her why she wanted the one where they whip him and she looked at me in disbelief saying, “Mommy, I don’t like it because they whip Him. I like that one because He rose again!” (Whew!) 

I remember another daughter (only once) acknowledging “That actually makes sense.” when I explained the reason she needed to have a consequence for her disobedient actions. She was asking for grace and reasoned “If parents really love you, they wouldn’t give you consequences.” After explaining what would happen if she never received a negative consequence for negative behavior and then also sharing Hebrews 12:11, the Lord allowed it to click in her mind! 

If you are a parent, you already know there isn’t much positive feedback or affirmation in the midst of parenting, and we do this by faith. Therefore, it was especially kind and generous of the Lord to reveal the Holy Spirit opening her eyes to this knowledge!

As I answered Mark’s follow up question, I acknowledged how God is the only one who can change hearts, but I am grateful He also invites us as parents to participate and plant seeds of faith in our children. My response was that we can pray to replicate these spiritual moments and lessons taking root by faithfully depositing investments of love and faith in our children, little by little, day by day. That is the way God oftentimes grows things, like faith! (See Exodus 23: 20-33, especially verse 30.)

What about you? How would you answer those questions?

If you are like me and you believe spending our life on things that will outlast it is the best way to live, then I assume there are practical ways this plays out in your life. Maybe you have specific habits in place to help you prioritize time with the Lord or you might pray throughout the day to receive His immediate help and assistance. 

That is the best starting place: Connecting with God yourself. And then, how are you purposefully influencing your children on their faith journey? 

More seasoned moms have encouraged me to spend money on spiritual things. They reason that we spend money on school t-shirts or sports activities for our children, but how often do we invest financially in their spiritual growth and development?

I’m NOT saying you have to spend money to plant seeds of faith in your children! God can work through anything and your deposit of time and prayer and faith will not be wasted! 

However, if you are planning to spend some money on material things as a gift this Easter, would you consider purchasing resources with a greater purpose? These are the types of gifts that keep on giving!

Here are a few of our favorite spiritual gifts for children’s Easter Baskets:

Write the Word for Kids I Fruit of the Spirit 

Write the Word for Kids I Adventure We keep these in our van with a Bible so they can look up verses and color/document Scripture as we drive.

Bible Belles Hannah

Bible Belles Esther

Bible Belles Abigail

Bible Belles Ruth

Bible Belles Deborah These stories help them get acquainted with women in the Bible in a relatable way.

Love Does for Kids We are loving this devotional! It has also helped our oldest daughter recognize experiences in her own life when God is teaching her personal lessons.

52 Coloring Cards for Kids These are both fun to color and to share with friends. I’ve noticed when our girls spend a long time coloring these words, they start to sink into their hearts.

Any Blank Journal. This year I have been training our older daughters to document stories of faith in their own lives. They use these journals to copy over Scripture or document answered prayers. Side benefit: This is a wonderful way to increase EQ as they process externally through writing!

Hidden in My Heart: A Lullaby Journey Through Scripture It is a sweet sound to hear our two-year-old sing words of Scripture because she has heard these songs on repeat!

I have a few other ideas for you, so make sure you check out this quick read: Favorite Easter Activity with Kids

Bonus: If you want to surprise your spouse with a little goodie for Easter, the same brand who offers Write the Word Journals also just released Couples Cultivated Conversation Card Decks! This may be a great tool to spark your own practical chats for intentional living with your spouse!

I pray this article nudges each of us to center our mind back on Jesus as we prepare to celebrate Easter, and I pray we get to share this goodness with our children!

“The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell . . . ” Matthew 28:5-7a (NIV)

May we remember what He has done for us, then joyfully go and tell others about Him!!! Amen.

Happy Easter, Friends!

Much love,


About The Savvy Sauce

Practical chats for intentional living

A faith-based podcast and resources to help you grow closer to Jesus and others. Expect encouragement, surprises, and hope here. Each episode offers lively interviews with fascinating guests such as therapists, authors, non-profit founders, and business leaders. 

They share their best practices and savvy tips we can replicate to make our daily life and relationships more enjoyable!

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