Let’s Go!

God has each of us on a journey to Him. The suspense is not whether we find Him but what we do when we encounter Him.

Here is a sliver of my recent journey: a few years ago, God began leading me to create and launch a podcast with a team. We have been live since September 2018 and it has been a delightful journey thus far! It made so much sense to me because asking questions and chatting with people is what God designed me to do! 

More recently however, He began dropping hints for my next assignment in obedience to Him: 


Whaaaaat? Me? I felt like Moses, wanting to give God the long list of reasons why He had chosen the wrong person. 

My wrestling sounds like this: “Lord, I have four young daughters at home, so this may not be the best time to add something to my to-do list. Also, how will writing get me closer to living a life full of thriving relationships, which is one of my ultimate goals?” 

His gentle response, “You can choose to disobey and not do this . . . or you can trust Me and follow Me into all I have planned for you through this.”

“Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” Exodus 4:12 (NLT)

Full of questioning and doubt, I continued dragging my feet and journaled about maybe writing eventually, but I never sat down to actually do the writing. I finally began admitting this out loud, first to my husband and then to my friend, Julie. Around that same time, my parents unexpectedly offered to host a “cousin day” and take all 4 of our daughters for one day. 

It seemed clear God was making a way, so here I am: sitting in an empty home and happily plucking away at the keys on my laptop.When God invites us into something beyond ourselves, He also provides a way.I pray this is an encouragement to you, I pray God is glorified, and I pray these words do more than I could ever ask or imagine. 

Have you ever experienced a wrestling with God? Is there something, big or small, you know in the depths of you He is inviting you to do, but you are resisting? Maybe it’s sending a message to your friend who keeps coming to your mind. Perhaps it’s sharing a specific word of encouragement with your spouse or friend or child. Is it leaving your job? Does He want you to start something new? 

Are you wrestling with whether or not to obey God with a specific part of your life because you feel weak in this area? Please know, you are in good company.

I love to be reminded of Truth, even if it’s something I already know.

You too?

Here are some Truths: He is good and kind and patient. He can be trusted. His ways are above our ways. He sees the big picture and you can trust Him as you take whatever your next step is to move forward. He’s got this! 

Plus, it’s always better to obey now, rather than later, right?! 

Here’s a freeing secret: it’s not about us anyway.

I am still questioning, but simultaneously running to join Him, with great anticipation! I invite you to come too . . . what is He stirring in you?

Your obedience will bless many others. 

Let’s Go!

Thanks for being here today, friend

Much Love,


About The Savvy Sauce

Practical chats for intentional living

A faith-based podcast and resources to help you grow closer to Jesus and others. Expect encouragement, surprises, and hope here. Each episode offers lively interviews with fascinating guests such as therapists, authors, non-profit founders, and business leaders. 

They share their best practices and savvy tips we can replicate to make our daily life and relationships more enjoyable!

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