How do you grow in your spiritual life? The answers to that question are endless!

But I wonder what it looks like for you

When I was studying in Atlanta, there was a professor who assigned us the book Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster. 

It was a game-changer!

I was a baby Christian (it had been about 1 year since I had surrendered my life to the Lord). This book gave words to why certain practices and disciplines in my life yielded such huge dividends. 

This is not to encourage an attitude of striving to earn salvation (that isn’t even possible!), however, it does help us understand  the tension between God’s part and our part in our spiritual growth. 

Dallas Willard was known to say, “Grace is not opposed to effort; it’s opposed to earning.” 

Celebration of Discipline offers a super practical way to understand, and (here’s the key ingredient), how to apply the spiritual disciplines in your own life. 

I believe God oftentimes doesn’t give us a formula, but He does have a strategy! We can search His word for strategies to live wisely, parent intentionally, and enjoy Him more fully. He reveals various strategies that put us in a posture to hear from Him more clearly. 

The spiritual practice that has benefitted my spiritual walk the most is what I call “coffee and quiet time.” 

With young children, it isn’t always quiet, but that’s not really the point. On my most ideal days, I’m up well before our kids, snuggled under a blanket on my favorite spot on our gray couch with my pink pencil and bright colored journal on the side table, ready to document anything I learn through reading the Bible and any new insight provided by the Holy Spirit. 

When I consistently journal a little every day, I begin to notice emerging themes, answered prayers, and invitations to tweak my current way of living. On multiple occasions, as I was praying or journaling, the Lord brought a memory to mind with fresh insight and it prompted me to take action. 

Have you ever tried this? Maybe journaling intimidates you or you don’t want to wake up before your kids. But if you still want to give this a shot, I bet you can come up with a creative solution! 

Try sitting down with a blank piece of paper and a pen after the kids are in bed and set the timer for 5 minutes. You could just read one verse and write it down or say a prayer and ask God if He has anything to reveal to you right now.

I find He always wants to give us little gifts! There are eternal pleasures at His right hand (See Psalms 16:11)

If you need a little prodding to get started, I would love to equip you with some beginning questions to consider!

There are three prompts I have collected and returned to over the years that come from a combination of conversations, pastors, and Scripture. I like returning to these when I am feeling stuck or just wanting more in the next season! I can’t wait to share them with you! 

If you want to receive Savvy Snack articles, like these prompts, sign up here to get the articles in your inbox, free of charge. 

I will share the first question and then I hope you join our email list to receive additional prompts!

1. Ask yourself: Where am I? 

Taking inventory is the foundational place to start. 

This was God’s first question to humans, so it must be an important one, right?! (See Genesis 3:9

By reflecting on where you’ve been, you can get an honest picture of where you are at now. 

At this point, this is neutral information. You don’t need to judge or condemn yourself if you aren’t exactly where you want to be. God seems to encourage self-awareness throughout the Bible, and this is a first step toward living more aware.

Once you know where you are, it may be clarifying to follow up with the question: Where am I headed?

Rebekah and Gabe Lyons unpack some savvy ways to explore this question and they explain how to move forward from where you currently are in the podcast episode, Rhythms of Renewal. (If you prefer reading over listening, check out her book and planner/journal.) She teaches us how to take inventory of our lives. 

Rebekah also includes rhythms to aid your spiritual growth. You may find that some of the ideas are familiar, yet if you apply any new-to-you rhythm from her book, you will surely experience some life-change! 

Even if it is gradual, that one small change snowballs into another and another and then you look back a year from now and marvel at how far you have come! 

Maybe your project was completed, you finally taught your children that life skill, your core was strengthened, or you joined the Bible Study and deepened friendships . . . 

I’m not sure where this positive life change will lead you, but I know it’s going to be awesome! 

I get giddy when I think of the contagious effect your new rhythms will have, because your change won’t only affect you! It will positively impact others and perhaps even inspire them to make changes as well. 

Then think of the compounding benefit that will have on people you have never even met before! That is EXCITING!!! And it all started with this humble journal prompt. 

The next question is the perfect follow up, once you have completed your personal inventory. . .

So make sure you join our email list to receive the full list of journal prompts!

And furthermore, we won’t end there. Let’s not forget the most important step:

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22 NIV)

Let’s do this together, friends!!!

Love you,


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