One-Stop Shop for Marriage and Intimacy Resources

Valentine’s Day is approaching! How does that make you feel? Does that excite you? Do you have special traditions? (See our favorite Valentine’s Day tradition.) Does it bring up negative feelings because you are disappointed in your relationship? 

Leslie Vernick clearly states that there is a difference between a disappointing and a destructive marriage. If you are in an abusive marriage, I would direct you to listen to her episode, Biblical Response to Emotionally Destructive Relationships with Leslie Vernick

And if you are in a healthy marriage, I hope you enjoy these resources and learn something new! I wanted you to have this article in plenty of time to browse these resources and fill your mind with helpful tips on marriage and sexual intimacy before Valentine’s Day arrives. If you are stumbling across this article at a later date, be encouraged: Regardless of the day of the year, it is still a worthy pursuit to grow in your marriage and in intimacy!

I remember an author once describing how fascinating the reactions were to her book on marriage. She would set up a book signing station at a bookstore and interact with the people who came to browse. Some young women would see her book was related to marriage and they would huff and make snarky comments, such as, “well, nothing will ever change him” or “none of this stuff works anyway.” Then she was humbled as a much older woman gently picked up her book and cheerfully said, “there is always something more I can learn about marriage!” 

That’s always stuck with me. No matter how old we are, there is always an opportunity to learn something new! Isn’t that true of our walk with the Lord as well? As long as we are breathing, He has new and fresh things to teach us! 

I believe when we read and apply Scripture or lessons from a podcast, article, or book that focuses on godly living, it is one way to apply these verses:

“and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude],  and put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image, [godlike] in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation]. Ephesians 4:23-24 (AMP)

Studies on happiness have found it to be positively correlated with gratitude and lifelong learning. A good goal to start with is seeking to learn one new thing this week. If you want to learn something new about marriage, I would recommend the following resources:

Marriage Related Podcast Episodes

A God-Honoring Relationship Between a Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law with Annie Chapman 

Fostering a Fun, Healthy Sex Life with your Spouse with Dr. Jennifer Konzen 

Ways to Deepen Your Intimacy in Marriage with Dr. Douglas Rosenau 

Ten Common Questions About Sex, Shared Through a Biblical Worldview with Dr. Michael Sytsma

Easy Changes to Enhance Your Sexual Intimacy in Marriage with Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner 

Hope For Treating Pelvic Pain with Tracey LeGrand

How to Align Your Finances with Your Values with Natalie Taylor

Managing Family, Career, and Health with Leslie Neslage

Reflecting Jesus in Our Relationships with Rach Kincaid

Treatment for Sexual Issues with Certified Sex Therapist, Emma Schmidt

Talking With Your Kids About Sex with Brian and Alison Sutter

Gender Differences and Common Conflict in Relationships with Certified Sex Therapist, Vickie George

Being Intentional with Marriage, Parenting, Rest, Personal Development, and Leadership with Pastor, Podcaster, and Author, Jeff Henderson

Patreon 4 Understanding Service Marriages with Licensed Professional Counselor, Podcaster, and 2015 Military Spouse of the Year, Corie Weathers

Practical Steps for Discipling Our Children with Licensed Professional Counselor, Jen Rathmell

Natural Aphrodisiacs with Christian Certified Sex Therapist, Dr. Douglas Rosenau

Practical Parenting Tools with Author and Speaker, Sue Heimer

Understanding and Utilizing the Enneagram in Your Life with Enneagram Coach, Beth McCord

Deep Dive into the Enneagram with Your Enneagram Coach, Beth McCord

Healthy Sexuality, Emotional Intelligence, and Parenting Children with Autism with Counselor, Lauren Dack

Pain and Joy in Sexual Intimacy with Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist, Dr. Jessica McCleese

Understanding Gender Differences in Marriage with Dr. Ted and Ang Bryant

Marriage and Motherhood with Counselor, Wife, and Mother to 5, Aja Duncan

Top 10 Listener Questions Related to the Mother-in-Law/Daughter-in-Law Relationship with author, Annie Chapman

Practical Life Tips with Blogger, Rach Kincaid

Bridging the Gap Between Military and Civilian Families with Licensed Professional Counselor, Author, Podcaster, and 2015 Military Spouse of the Year, Corie Weathers

Enjoying a God-Honoring, Healthy Sex Life with Your Spouse with Certified Sex Therapist and Ordained Minister, Dr. Michael Sytsma

Perspective in Parenting in the Midst of Sorrow, Betrayal, and Grief with Former Children’s Pastor, Teacher, and Writer, Penny Harrison

Enjoying Parenting and Managing Conversations About Sex with Certified Sex Therapist and Author, Dr. Jennifer Konzen

Understanding the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator to Improve Your Marriage, Family, and Work Relationships 

Marital Communication and Intentional Family Life with Author, Speaker, and Podcaster, Susan Seay

Maximizing Sexual Intimacy During the Three Most Challenging Phases of Marriage with Christian Sex Therapist Pioneers, Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner

Stress Management, Self-Care, and Offering Grace to Important People in Our Life with Author and Popular Speaker, Jill Savage

Simple Solutions to Help You Prepare For, Enrich, or Save Your Marriage with Dr. Matthew Turvey

Thriving at Work, Home, and Life with Author, Blogger, Podcaster, and Business Owner, Crystal Paine

Understanding Temperaments to Improve Your Relationships Part 1 with Author and Communication Coach, Kathleen Edelman 

Understanding Temperaments to Improve Your Relationships Part 2 with Author and Communication Coach, Kathleen Edelman

Effective Parenting for Toddlers Through College with Wife, Mother to 8, and The Exchange Founder, Elizabeth Pehrson

Conflict Resolution, Infidelity, and Infertility with Licensed Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist, Dr. Jessica McCleese

Parenting the Prodigal Child And God’s Desire For Redemption With Mother-Daughter Duo, Claire Stanfill and Tindell Baldwin

Radical Business and Radical Parenting with Gary & Marla Ringger, Founders of Lifesong for Orphans

Hormones and Body Image with Certified Sex Therapist, Vickie George

Traveling with Your Family with Katie Mueller

Fruitful with Laura Dugger

Ordering Your Priorities with Kat Lee

5 Love Languages with Dr. Gary Chapman

Four Personality Types with Dale Wilsher

Visionary Parenting and Grand-Parenting with Dr. Rob Rienow

Applying Business Strategies to Your Home Management with Susan Seay

Passion Pursuit with Dr. Juli Slattery

Technology and Parenting with Arlene Pellicane

The Enneagram Explained with Sarajane Case of Enneagram & Coffee

Understanding Men and Women Better with Shaunti Feldhahn

Female Orgasm with Sue Goldstein

Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, and Treatments Available with Dr. Irwin Goldstein

Understanding and Delighting in Our Differences with Bill & Pam Farrel 

Guiding Our Children Through Their Emotions with Julie Roth

Thriving with Kids at Home During Quarantine with Amanda Leman

Turn Ons, Turn Offs, and Savoring Sex in Marriage with Dr. Jennifer Konzen

Making Family Memories with Jessica Smartt

Desire DIscrepancy in Marriage with Dr. Michael Sytsma

Ways to Enjoy Summer with Your Family with Krista Gilbert

Answering Listener’s Questions About Sex with Kelli Willard

Communication and Healthy Conflict Resolution with Kelley Gray

Anatomy of an Affair with Dave Carder

Powerful Purpose of Introverts with Holley Gerth

Building Love Together in Blended Families with Ron Deal

Supernatural Restoration Story with Bob and Audrey Meisner

Living Intentionally with Shunta Grant

Romantic Love in Marriage with Dr. Willard Harvey

Parenting All Temperaments with Jenny Boyett

Healthy Minds, Marriages, and Sex Lives with Drs. Scott and Melissa Symington

Female Pornography Addiction and Meaningful Recovery with Crystal Renaud Day

Rhythms of Renewal with Gabe and Rebekah Lyons

Parenting 0-18 with Daniel Huerta 

Building Lasting Relationships with Clarence and Brenda Shuler

Healthy Ways for Females to Increase Sexual Enjoyment with Tracey LeGrand

Pornography Healing for Spouses with Geremy Keeton

Sexual Sin Recovery for You and Your Spouse (Part Two)

Our Brain’s Role in Sexual Intimacy with Angie Landry

Intentional Questions to Ask Our Kids with Susan Seay

Biblical Response to Emotionally Destructive Relationships with Leslie Vernick

Connection and Correction in Parenting with Chad Hayenga

Temperaments and Power of Words in Parenting with Kathleen Edelman

Discovering God’s Design for Romance with Sharon Jaynes

Nine Ways to Connect with God with Gary Thomas 

Sex in Marriage and Its Positive Effects with Francie Winslow, Part 1

Science and Art of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage, Part 2

Making Love in Marriage with Debra Fileta

Beneficial Rhythms in Marriage with Chris and Jenni Graebe

Inspiring Perspective in Parenting with Kay Wyma

Mutually Pleasing Sex in Marriage with Gary Thomas

Patreon 7 Intentional Family Life with Podcasters, Heather Toews and Heidi Bolt

Patreon 9 Healthy Relationships with Our Friends and Our Spouse with Author and Speaker, Sue Heimer

Patreon 16 Enjoy a Thriving Marriage with Dr. Matthew Turvey

Patreon 19 Applying Personality Training to Parenting with Dale Wilsher

Patreon 20 Personal Stories of God’s Provision with Hope Ware

Patreon 21 Leading in Parenting with Arlene Pellicane

Patreon 22 Vision in Motherhood while Parenting a Child with Special Needs

Patreon 23 Her Desires and His Desires in the Bedroom with Dr. Jennifer Konzen

Patreon 26 Holy Sex with Dr. Juli Slattery

Patreon 28 Protecting Your Marriage Against Unfaithfulness with Dave Carder

Patreon 29 Remaining Sexually Engaged Through The Years with Dr. Michael Sytsma

Patreon 34 Lead with Questions in Parenting with Stacy Bellward

Marriage Related Articles

Our Valentine’s Day Tradition

10 Recommendations for Enjoying Sex More in Marriage

Rhythms and Why They Matter

Fun Daily and Weekly Marital Enrichment Habits

Fun Monthly and Yearly Marital Enrichment Habits

How Do You Know It’s Worthwhile?

Marriage Scripture I am Loving

Marriage: Foundational Questions to Promote Connection

How Does Your Family of Origin Affect Your Marriage?

How is Self-Awareness Beneficial in Marriage?

Most Helpful Gender Difference to Understand

One Enjoyable Way to Serve Together in Marriage

Practical Ways to Rekindle Love in Marriage

Healthy Communication in Marriage

Marriage: Growing in Conflict Resolution Skills

Ten Financial Questions to Ask Your Spouse

Wise and Practical Marriage Tips

Our Wise and Foolish List in Marriage *Bonus Content When You Join Our Email List*

Sex in Marriage, Part One

Sex in Marriage, Part Two

Five Parenting Tips from Mentors

Encouraging Scripture for Parents

15 Questions to ask Mentors about Marriage

At The Savvy Sauce, we will only recommend resources we believe in! We also want you to be aware: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. 

Additional Marriage Resources

One of the most common comments we get about The Savvy Sauce is appreciation for addressing sexual intimacy in marriage from a biblical worldview. We hope you find our podcast to be a safe place to listen and learn. I recognize there are resources on this topic that are not trustworthy or beneficial, so I have compiled a helpful list I hope you find to be biblical, practical, and informative. These are also included in the section above, but if you are specifically looking for resources related to sex, here are my recommendations:

Podcast Episodes About Sex

​​Fostering a Fun, Healthy Sex Life with your Spouse with Dr. Jennifer Konzen 

Ways to Deepen Your Intimacy in Marriage with Dr. Douglas Rosenau 

Ten Common Questions About Sex, Shared Through a Biblical Worldview with Dr. Michael Sytsma

Easy Changes to Enhance Your Sexual Intimacy in Marriage with Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner 

Hope For Treating Pelvic Pain with Tracey LeGrand

Treatment for Sexual Issues with Certified Sex Therapist, Emma Schmidt

Talking With Your Kids About Sex with Brian and Alison Sutter

Natural Aphrodisiacs with Christian Certified Sex Therapist, Dr. Douglas Rosenau

Healthy Sexuality, Emotional Intelligence, and Parenting Children with Autism with Counselor, Lauren Dack

Pain and Joy in Sexual Intimacy with Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist, Dr. Jessica McCleese

Identifying and Fighting Human Trafficking with Dr. Jeff Waibel

Bridging the Gap Between Military and Civilian Families with Licensed Professional Counselor, Cuthor, Podcaster, and 2015 Military Spouse of the Year, Corie Weathers

Enjoying a God-Honoring, Healthy Sex Life with Your Spouse with Certified Sex Therapist and Ordained Minister, Dr. Michael Sytsma

Enjoying Parenting and Managing Conversations About Sex with Certified Sex Therapist and Author, Dr. Jennifer Konzen

Maximizing Sexual Intimacy During the Three Most Challenging Phases of Marriage with Christian Sex Therapist Pioneers, Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner

Conflict Resolution, Infidelity, and Infertility with Licensed Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist, Dr. Jessica McCleese

Hormones and Body Image with Certified Sex Therapist, Vickie George

Passion Pursuit with Dr. Juli Slattery

Female Orgasm with Sue Goldstein

Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, and Treatments Available with Dr. Irwin Goldstein

Turn Ons, Turn Offs, and Savoring Sex in Marriage with Dr. Jennifer Konzen

Desire DIscrepancy in Marriage with Dr. Michael Sytsma

Answering Listener’s Questions About Sex with Kelli Willard

Anatomy of an Affair with Dave Carder

Supernatural Restoration Story with Bob and Audrey Meisner

Healthy Minds, Marriages, and Sex Lives with Drs. Scott and Melissa Symington

Female Pornography Addiction and Meaningful Recovery with Crystal Renaud Day

Building Lasting Relationships with Clarence and Brenda Shuler

Healthy Ways for Females to Increase Sexual Enjoyment with Tracey LeGrand

Pornography Healing for Spouses with Geremy Keeton

Sexual Sin Recovery for You and Your Spouse (Part Two)

Personal Development and Sexual Wholeness with Dr. Sibylle Georgianna 

Our Brain’s Role in Sexual Intimacy with Angie Landry

Discovering God’s Design for Romance with Sharon Jaynes

Sex in Marriage and Its Positive Effects with Francie Winslow, Part 1

Science and Art of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage, Part 2

Making Love in Marriage with Debra Fileta

Mutually Pleasing Sex in Marriage with Gary Thomas

Patreon 23 Her Desires and His Desires in the Bedroom with Dr. Jennifer Konzen

Patreon 26 Holy Sex with Dr. Juli Slattery

Patreon 28 Protecting Your Marriage Against Unfaithfulness with Dave Carder

Patreon 29 Remaining Sexually Engaged Through The Years with Dr. Michael Sytsma

Articles about Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

10 Recommendations for Enjoying Sex More in Marriage

Sex in Marriage, Part One

Sex in Marriage, Part Two

At The Savvy Sauce, we will only recommend resources we believe in! We also want you to be aware: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. 

Additional Sexual Wholeness Resources

This is a long list! My hope is for you to just choose one place to start! Click on one link to listen to one episode or read one article. In doing so, may you grow in intimacy with God and your spouse, more and more each day, Amen.

Love to you,


About The Savvy Sauce

Practical chats for intentional living

A faith-based podcast and resources to help you grow closer to Jesus and others. Expect encouragement, surprises, and hope here. Each episode offers lively interviews with fascinating guests such as therapists, authors, non-profit founders, and business leaders. 

They share their best practices and savvy tips we can replicate to make our daily life and relationships more enjoyable!

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